Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Hurricane Crystal heading to Florida

I didn't think I was one of those people whose life shuts down when their technology shuts down, but apparently...I am. I suppose that since I now live somewhere in the ballpark of 5,000 miles away from home, I have become more thankful to technology for allowing me to keep in touch. Lately, however, I just want to find whoever created computers and give them a swift kick in the knickers! Don't get me wrong, computers are GREAT. So great in fact, that I apparently became addicted to my trusty iMac laptop, and trusted it to keep my (incredibly necessary and all-important) "To-Do" lists, schedules, ideas...all the things that make my life run smoothly. Then, about two weeks ago, my computer decided it was done. It's never good when you turn on a laptop and see nothing but a black screen with a giant "X" symbol. Now I'm finding out that I've lost all of my files on that computer, along with the "To-Do" lists that made my life a happy place, much like the forests in a Bob Ross painting. Tomorrow I will be getting my iMac back, but our relationship with no longer be the same. I'm going to be keeping my lists and life on paper as much as possible.

So now that I've played my tiny violins for you and begged for your pity, allow me to tell you some stories of my life from the past couple of months since I haven't blogged in a while (which I would love to blame on my laptop, now nick-named "the Scape Goat").

First of all, THE OLYMPICS! When it comes to me and sports, I have stories of me faking nausea on the soccer team in 8th grade, or me running from volleyballs in high school. I have to admit, I'm not much of a sport's fan...unless the Braves are having a good season, in which case I tend to profess that I've been a life-long die hard fan...OR, whenever any sort of Olympic event is being held. I ADORE the Olympics, and have since the day I decided I wanted to become Kristi Yamaguchi. Watching the Olympics in a different country was an interesting experience, to say the least. First of all, the sports that their media focuses on here are more of the boating/kayaking events, badminton, archery, etc. The funniest thing I noticed about seeing the Olympics through English eyes was (again) the Eeyore-ish mindset. They never expect to win, and even the commentators will often say things like "Honestly, team GB isn't going to pull through to get a medal, and we all know it." Wow, what a positive attitude! They did blame most of their losses on the fact that they plugged most of the athletes in there trying to get them experience for 2012 - the London games. I HAD written out an amazing list of people and things I'd like to see in London's Olympic opening ceremonies (since I'm obviously qualified to make such important decisions in the country's history), but unfortunately, that was one of the notes that got blown up inside my laptop. Here come the tiny violins again... But for those of you who really care, here is a list of some of my favo(u)rite British things that (in my expert opinion) should be featured in 2012:

5. The Cadbury chocolate gorilla: This is the commercial I cannot seem to get away from. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

4. The Edinburgh Tattoo: Umm, bagpipes, kilts, and a castle...need I say more?

3. The Queen's wave: Of the utmost importance, obviously.

2. Paul Potts: From "Britain's Got Talent," and the video that brings instant tears to my eyes...every single time.

1. The infamous "Charlie Bit My Finger" children: Adorable and hilarious. Don't you love little British kids?

The big news in my life right now is that I'm going to Florida in just THREE WEEKS! I've been fortunate enough this year to not suffer too badly from home sickness, but I'm finding that as the hours tick by and the day gets closer, I am getting SO excited about going home and spending time with my family and friends that I'm finding it hard to sleep! The reason for the trip home is to raise continued and new support for my next year in England. Please pray for me! Raising money is the hardest thing I've ever done, and having to return to do it again in short timespan is difficult. Also, pray that I don't spend too much of my own personal money on stuff I've been missing this past year! FLORIDIANS BEWARE: From September 22nd through the 3rd of November, there may be nothing left in Target or Old Navy. Also, Chic-Fil-A will be out of waffle fries and Moe's will be emptied of their Moo-Moo burritos.

I don't want to write too much in these posts and get all boring, so I'll wait to tell you my other tales of England in a couple of weeks. I'm moving in a week and a half, so hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of my new British home! Stay tuned, and I'll be seeing some of you in just a few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Serenity said...

after our computer died for, like, the hundreth time, dan bought a time capsule. luckily, we don't do anything important enough to warrant important lists.

did you watch any synchronized swimming?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE "Charlie bit my finger" - its bookmarked in my I-Touch.....I know you are going to be super busy, but I really hope I will get to see you when you are home.....

You forgot one of the english things that should be in their 2012 olympics. How about a cracker pulling contest - you MUST know what that is, right?

glad you're computer is fixed - LOVE reading your blogs! You are awesome! Karina

Crystal Hutcheson said...

Lady Johnson - I've always wondered about those time capsule things. Sometimes I hear about new things that Apple creates, and I think that it's just a big joke...things like that can't really come true! I'm glad to see that I am wrong, and that perhaps...we really did land a man on the moon.

Lady Babbino - the "Charlie bit my finger" video makes me want to marry an Englishman and have little English-accented children! They're so funny! I also really want to get to see you while I'm home - I'm working on my schedule now and trying to fit everything in...so I'm pretty sure we'll be able to have a lovely visit at some point :) And YES!! Christmas crackers - what a GREAT idea for an Olympic sport. They scare me every single time I pull them, but I love wearing the paper crowns and making fun of the ridiculous prizes and jokes that are inside...I'm actually trying to smuggle some Dora the Explorer themed ones home for my nieces :)

tsbraves said...

Hey Brit girl!
I was wondering if you fell off one of the isles! :-)

Glad you're back on line. I probably won't have the pleasure of seeing you when your in the "States" but I hope your visit is a great one!

Another year eh? Don't forget to send us a support letter. When IN!


Anonymous said...

whether you're there in england or back in the states i say we should go to london during the 2012 olympics, then just maybe we'll get to see michael phelps:)