Wednesday, 5 December 2007

The famous Cristabel

If anyone would like to receive an e-mail notice when I post an update on this blog, is your LUCKY day! I just found an easy way for me to input e-mail addresses into my Blogger that will automatically send out a notice when I update. Just send me an e-mail at and I'll add you!

May I just quickly say that it's so much fun being a foreigner? Over the last week, I have been asked if I'm from Scotland, and if I am a Mormon missionary (which is pretty common of Americans in this area). Also, I've found out that "Crystal" isn't a very common name in England. One girl wrote down my name as "Cristabel," which was a more common name to her than "Crystal." Sometimes, being American makes me feel famous...mostly among young girls that are huge High School Musical fans. I guess they think that since I sound like everyone in the movie, perhaps I know them, or could at least help the girls meet the stars of the film.

Random thoughts, but there you go! I hope everyone has a lovely day. It's raining outside right now (big surprise) so I'm going to go fix myself a spot of tea :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WALES not WHALES. Crystal I expected better of you.